The activities of postdoctoral fellows at NUPENS/USP include intensive dedication to an individual work plan centered on one of the center’s research projects, collaboration with other ongoing projects, participation in regular scientific meetings, elaboration of manuscripts and dissemination of research findings in scientific events.
The postdoctoral fellowship announced in this call is part of a Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) grant given to NUPENS/USP for the development of the thematic project ‘Consumption of ultra-processed foods, diet quality and obesity in seven countries’ during the period April 2016-March 2020. This project, coordinated by Professor Carlos A Monteiro, aims to characterize the consumption of ultra-processed foods and to assess its influence on the dietary nutrient profile and the risk of obesity in Brazil, Colombia, Chile, US, Canada, UK and Australia. The fellowship will have a duration of up to 19 months. The activities of the selected postdoctoral fellow
will include her/his participation in the longitudinal analyses relative the association between consumption of ultra-processed foods and incidence of obesity, in particular analyses involving the Pelotas, Brazil cohorts databases.
1. Cover letter explaining the candidate motivations.
2. Curriculum vitae (Lattes for Brazilians).
3. Recommendation letter.
Applicants of any nationality must have a PhD obtained in the last seven years in Brazilian or foreign institutions. Training in biostatistics and nutritional epidemiology, experience in handling and analyzing large food intake datasets and cohort data sets and scientific writing skills will be valued in the selection process.
Applicants must submit their documentation until March 22, 2019 to regia@usp.br with the subject BOLSA PD NUPENS/TEMATICO. The selection process will be based on the analysis of the documents and, if necessary, interviews via Skype. The selected candidates will receive a monthly fellowship in the amount of R$ 7.373,10 and a grant equivalent to 15% of the annual value of the fellowship, which should be
spent in items directly related to the research activity. The fellowship also includes a setup support for researchers who need to move to the city of São Paulo. More information about the fellowship can be found in: www.fapesp.br/en/5427.
Results of the selection process will be communicated to all candidates by email, and then also released at the NUPENS website (https://www.fsp.usp.br/nupens/). More information about this scholarship at http://www.fapesp.br/oportunidades.
Access here the call: Chamada_Port_Ingl